UK Residents in Tenerife: How Will Brexit Affect Me?

Deepika Harjani, British Consulate Representative in Tenerife reached out to the British community in Los Gigantes to provide essential information regarding Brexit.

Paul Ruane and British Consulate Tenerife

Earlier this month, Deepika Harjani from the British Consulate met with the Expat community in Los Gigantes to reassure them of the impending changes to their residency rights post Brexit. Harjani was joined by Daisy Figueira da Silva, a Brexit officer representative for the Government Sub delegation and also Miranda Parsons from TFS Translations, both of whom offered constructive advice to those looking to update their residency status.

“Please ensure that you are correctly registered with the Spanish authorities which means that you have the green certificate" – Deepika Harjani

The most important steps UK nationals can take to secure their residency post-Brexit are: 

  • Register for a green certificate of residency at the Central Register of Foreign Nationals (Registro Central de Extranjeros) by requesting an appointment for the “Certificados UE” (EU Certificates) procedure at a police station in your province.
  • Convert your UK driving licence into a Spanish licence to enjoy all the benefits of your British licence in Spain. More information on how to do this can be found here.
  • Sign Up to the ‘Padrón’, the local council’s census which provides you with the necessary documentation to be able to register with a doctor or at the local schools. This document can be obtained at the town hall of your municipality. 

Having the correct paperwork in order is an essential part of living in Spain as a British national. Now, with the impending leave date, it is more important than ever to ensure that everything is organised so that you are able to continue living in Tenerife. 

As mentioned by Deepika Harjani, the essential documents for British citizens in Tenerife are: 

NIE – This stands for ‘Número de Identificación de Extranjero’ or ‘Foreign Identification Number’ and this is issued to all EU Nationals living in Spain for more than 3 months. Most people get their NIE number along with the residency certificate, but for some, it is a white piece of paper showing a 9 digit number beginning and ending in a letter. EG: YXXXXXXX-S. A NIE number is needed to do any kind of transaction in Spain such as buying a bus ticket, signing up for a course or buying a car. Having a NIE does not mean that you have been assigned residency- for that the green residency certificate is required.

Residency Certificate – (Certificado de Registro) This is a green, credit card-sized piece of paper which shows your full name, nationality, address and NIE number. This is proof that you are legally registered to reside in Tenerife. This document, along with the NIE is obtained at the National Police office for foreign nationals (Extranjería) 

Census Certificate – The Padrón certificate is a list of all people who live in a certain town and it is necessary to have this document in order to apply for the residency certificate, vote in local elections or to sign up for a doctor. 

Driving Licence: British nationals who wish to reside in Spain must validate their UK licence and exchange it for a Spanish licence so that they can continue driving. This is a simple process that can be done by making an appointment at the DGT Traffic office and filling out the necessary forms. 

Miranda Parsons and her team at TFS Translations understand that the process may be slightly overwhelming for some and have organised transport from Los Gigantes to Santa Cruz which we have volunteered to sponsor along with Sally and Sarah at Tipsy Terrace and John Dale Beckley director of Tenerife Magazine. This bus will leave Los Gigantes on the 23rd of January, however, it is important to make an appointment with TFS Translations before in order to review all necessary paperwork. 

So, whether you are already living the island lifestyle or are planning to make Tenerife your permanent home, getting the correct paperwork will enable you to live life as a local. The deadline for submitting all residency forms is the 31st January 2020 and all rights will be conserved during the transition period which ends on December 31st 2020. Until then, stay informed with all the updates offered by the British Consulate in Tenerife and enjoy all the wonders this island has to offer.

What questions do you have about life in Tenerife post Brexit?  Leave your questions in the comments below. 

If you would like more information or help to get your Green NIE Card, call Miranda on 634 797 709. If you want to discuss how Brexit affects buying a property in Tenerife, call Paul Ruane on 922 86 13 13

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